Bee Propolis

Propolis is a highly-effective antimicrobial substance generally recognized as being a rich source of bioflavonoids. It's produced by bees to help keep their hives sterile and free from disease. Beekeepers harvest excess propolis from hive frames during honey extraction without causing any harm to the bees.

We use propolis as the signature ingredient in all our formulations because, firstly, its highly-effective antimicrobial properties make it an ideal substitute for the synthetic (and potentially harmful) preservatives often used in cosmetics, nutraceuticals and medical devices. Secondly, our purified propolis extract helps our formulations smell and taste great.

Our propolis is all traced to source and comes from a central region of Canada within a defined zone. This means the chemical composition is unique and highly consistent. All Dr Sosnowski’s propolis is purified in our own specialist Propolis Refinery located in Winnipeg, Manitoba.


Camphor is a natural compound which comes from the bark of the camphor laurel tree (Cinnamomum camphora).

In Dr Sosnowsk's formulations, including Herstat Plus+ and Herstat GST, it is used to provide temporary but rapid relief from the pain and discomfort associated with cold sores, fever blisters and genital area skin sores.

Thyme Leaf Oil

Extracted from the leaves of the thyme plant (genus Thymus), thyme leaf oil is known to be a rich source of antioxidants and a number of other compounds, including thymol, which are used in many pharmaceutical and cosmetic products. Thyme leaf oil is known for its antifungal, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

In Herstat Plus+ and Herstat GST, the presence of thyme leaf oil helps to soothe the skin. It also helps to keep our formulations sterile as a result of its antimicrobial properties.

Eucalyptus Leaf Oil

Distilled from the leaves of the eucalyptus tree (family Myrtaceae), eucalyptus leaf oil is known for its highly potent antioxidant and antiseptic properties, as well as its preservative attributes. It is widely used in pharmaceutical and cosmetic applications for a variety of purposes.

We use eucalyptus leaf oil in Herstat Plus+ and Herstat GST to help preserve the formulations and because it is effective in helping to soothe and ameliorate the skin.

Almond Oil

Extracted from the pressed or ground-up seeds of Prunus amygdalus trees, almond oil is rich in vitamin E and possesses natural emollient and moisturizing qualities. It is used for a wide variety of purposes in cosmetics and nutraceuticals.

In Dr Sosnowski formulations, Herstat Plus+ and Herstat GST, the noncomedogenic properties of almond oil (it doesn't clog pores) make it a perfect carrier for our other natural ingredients, enabling them to penetrate the uppermost dermal layer (the papillary).

Olive Oil

From the fruit of the Oleaceae tree, olive fruit extracts contain high concentrations of polyphenols (powerful antioxidants), vitamins E and K, and other nutrients known for their health benefits.

In Herstat Plus+ and Herstat GST, olive fruit extracts combine with other natural ingredients to help moisturize the skin and to help keep it soft and supple around a cold sore, fever blister or genital sore.

Natural Yellow Beeswax

A natural by-product of apiculture and the honey making process, beeswax (Latin name cera alba) is widely used for its humectant properties (it retains moisture by preventing water loss through the outer layer of the skin), and its ability to rejuvenate and soothe.

In our all-natural formulations, Herstat Plus+ and Herstat GST, natural yellow beeswax helps to provide a firmer texture to the ointments and makes them easier to apply. It also helps to promote a more pleasant-feeling sensation on the skin.


Found in peppermint and other plants of the mint family (genus Mentha), the topical application of menthol helps relieve minor aches and pains and accelerates wound healing.

Used in Herstat Plus+ and Herstat GST, menthol is an Active Ingredient for cold sore treatment and to provide temporary relief of pain and discomfort.

Mineral Oil: White Petrolatum

A highly-refined mineral oil which acts as an emollient and barrier. High-grade petrolatum is used to provide a protective (occlusive) layer over skin sores and to create a moist environment perfect for wound healing. It also helps to keep skin supple and soft.

For cold sore sufferers using Herstat Lip Care Ointment, our high-grade petrolatum (Snow White T5) helps prevent the scabbing that is typically experienced following the blister stage. It also acts as a barrier preventing moisture loss from the open sore.

Mineral Oil: Cosmetic Liquid Paraffin

Cosmetic grade liquid paraffin mineral oil is stable, colorless, odorless, non-toxic and chemically inert. It is a highly-refined ingredient used widely in skincare products as an effective emollient. It has been used in skin treatments since 400BC.

We use a very small quantity (5%) in some of our formulations to help keep the ointments semi-solid, easier to apply to the skin and spreadable, even in low temperatures.

Castor Seed Oil

Castor seed oil extracted from the seeds of the Ricinus communis plant, and is a vegetable oil rich in ricinoleic acid (a monounsaturated fatty acid). In skincare products, it is a humectant that helps to moisturize the skin and promote wound hydration.

Used in Herstat Plus+ and Herstat GST, castor seed oil, alongside our other all-natural ingredients, helps to soften and soothe the skin.

Wool Lanolin

Wool lanolin is natural waxy substance produced by sheep to help protect their wool. Refined lanolin, used in topical pharmaceutical and cosmetic products, acts as an occlusive barrier when applied to skin and therefore helps to prevent moisture loss.

Certain of our ointment formulations contain small amounts of refined wool lanolin to assist with the emollient effects of the products and for the homogenous dispersion of our purified propolis extracts.

Glyceryl Oleate

Glyceryl oleate is a substance made by combining glycerin (a simple triol compound) and oleic acid (a naturally occurring fatty acid found in various animal and vegetable fats and oils).

In our Herstat formulations, Herstat Plus+ and Herstat GST, it helps to keep the ointment stable and makes it soft, emollient, gentle and moisturizing.

Glyceryl Rosinate

Glyceryl rosinate is an organic compound of rosin (resin obtained from some pines and conifers) and glycerin. It is widely used in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals.

In Herstat Plus+ and Herstat GST, it helps emulsify the ingredients in our ointment and improve stability of the product making it easier and more pleasant to use.

Grain Alcohol

Grain alcohol (ethanol) is widely used in make-up, cosmetics and topical skincare products. Predominantly it is used as a penetration enhancer but it can also bind polar ingredients to help with consistency.

Dr Sosnowski's unique method of propolis purification involves an ethanolic process in which most of the alcohol evaporates during the final stages of extraction and filtration. However, a tiny amount (less than 1%) combines with other ingredients in certain Herstat formulations to assist in the homogeneous dispersion of propolis, thyme oil and eucalyptus oil.